Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Friday, 30 January 2015

Health & Wellbeing Customer InfoGraphic

Some more background information for your customer discovery interview questions. Have a great weekend all

The Health Consumer Mindset

Good morning All 
You might want to become familiar with consumers described in this report on our "Living Well" needs and pains It may offer you some ideas on to how to get your customer discovery interview questions right- i.e. to find questions that help you find the balance between listening and learning about the targeted customers types you speak to. Pages 3&4 in particular have some insightful information

Thursday, 29 January 2015

"What Should I have really asked you?"- Customer Discover is not Sales

Hi All

It's Time for many of you to Get Out of the Building and to start having real interview-conversations with real people- don't leave it until the last minute. I shall be wanting evidence in your presentations of what you discovered, values that customers have and solutions that they see: Customer Discovery is not Sales- it is preparation and planning for sales. Do not sell- YET! First discover and empathise. See if you can listen not hear, and ask not speak!

Good luck and I look forward to seeing the results posted here before our next class together.

Reflexion Excalibur

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Customer Acquisition Starts Your Sales Preparation. 2 Minutes to See Why

Hi All
Watch this video about Customer Archetypes (or Buyer Personas) and Value Discovery by one of the world's leading thinkers in this area, Steve Blank. Start watching at 36 seconds.

You are now in the process of 'acquiring customers' as planning & preparation to negotiate your sale with them. 
You therefore need to in THE NEXT FEW DAYS:
  1. design your revised customer discovery interview questions & interview- using the guides in the Class resources and posted in this blog
  2. get out of the building and EACH of you (NOT each team but each team member) conduct at least 12 Customer Interviews to determine their pains, needs, requirements, motivations, attitudes, perceptions about their health and wellbeing and the solutions they currently use, problems with them and wishes for better options (which maybe Fabulyzer can or cannot solve)
  3. Use and distil this discovery information from your individual interviews to, as a team, provide a set of Buyer Personas or as Steve Blank in this video calls them Customer Archetypes
  4. Try and capture value statements for each Persona/Archetype when they encounter the different categories of pains, needs & requirements that you have discovered. if it helps use the Table below
BEFORE next week's class please share on this blog as a Scribd Powerpoint/PDF upload: your team's customer discovery interview, with the list of 12 target customers for each team member.

FOR next week's class please come prepared to present using something similar to the table below, the analysed and distilled results of your interviews: 
  1. The Top 3 Customer Pain Points, the Top 3 Customer Motivations, and the Top 3 Customer Needs/Requirements that may be pertinent to Fabulyzer's business
  2. 6-7 Buyer Personas or Archetypes
  3. As many customer value statements as possible (some direct quotes from the customers' own expressions and some served from your interoperation of their wishes)
  4. Draft sales contract agreement for offering to customers in your sales negotiation








Point 1

Statement A1

Statement B1

Statement F1

Point 2

Statement C2

Statement E2

Statement G2

Point 3

Statement B3

Statement E3

Motivator 4

Statement B4

Statement D4

Statement F4

Motivator 5

Statement A5

Motivator 6

Statement C6

Statement F6

Statement G6


Statement E7


Statement B8

Statement D8

Statement F8


Statement A9

Statement C9

Statement C9

Segmentation Table of Needs

Workshop 3 Consumer Segments - Christopher Kaul, Georgina Sweeting, Anna Melkonyan, Ekaterina Selivonchik

Innovation in fitness

Hey everyone,

in our class "Managing innovation in a digital economy" we saw important innovations at the CES in Las Vegas. One innovation is a product in the fitness industry. I think it shows, that innovation in this industry is very important and that products are in demand.

This is the link to the Video from CES: Time: 1:32

Link to the Homepage:

Monday, 26 January 2015

Negotiation vs bargaining

Negotiation vs Bargaining

the Knight v Excalibur Engines Exercise (Chloé, Linna, Yvette & Charlotte)

Hi everyone!

As we reflected on this exercise, we can conclude that all 4 of us were happy with the result.
The key to this "small success" was TIME.
Don't try to rush through it but take your time.
Before we started the negotiation Chloé & I made op a little scheme of how we were planning to take the lead in the negotiation without really performing as if we were taking the lead.
Some bullet points were:

*welcome them friendly and point out why we were having this meeting.
* We said nothing & listened + make them talk more by asking questions
* made a summary of what they proposed together with the interlocutors
* Asked them for 5 minutes break so we could discuss how we were going to continue our strategy
* We asked them to be clearer and said nothing + said nothing until felt a bit uncomfortable
* As we understood that they were aiming for a long term relationship we mentioned the opportunity they would get by working together with us. Their "golden ticket"to work and be labelled by a big company.
* We said that we wanted a perfect quality and negotiated on the fact that they would take back unused and defective goods.
* As we found an agreement on the fact that we would order 10 000 pieces instead of 8000 but with the promise that they would take back the unused+ detective goods without any costs.  (By doing this we weren't taking any risk of poor quality or unfinished goods)
* Our following step was to discuss the delivery time. The interlocutors suggested a one week delivery time which we obviously accepted (We could decrease our manufacturing time and made sure we could deliver high quality products within 60 days)
* Before our negotiation started Chloé and I decided that we wouldn't aim for the lowest price but instead not paying for the fees, but still have all the benefits of the fees.
* We summarized together with Linna & Yvette what we agreed on already
*started negotiating more directly and on a higher level (+ still pointed out their opportunity in the future)
* reached a win-win agreement

We can conclude that we gained more or less their trust and reached our goal of delivering high quality products in a shorter period of time.

Hope it helps!

Chloé & Charlotte

Reflection on Knight v Excalibur Engines Exercise

Reflection on Knight v Excalibur Engines Exercise:

Lucas and myself were on the Knight team and Julian and Adrian and the Excalibur team.
During our negotiation, we came to several conclusions about our negotiation:

-First of all, we were bargaining much more then we were actually negotiating. The first thing that was proposed was a price to settle on instead of establishing what each of us wanted.

-We were not truly listening to what the opposite team was saying: They proposed a price which we could have been interested in but we went on to proposing something else immediately without considering what they said.

-We did not try to "open" the possibilities enough. We should have reconsidered the terms of the contract and bend them in different ways to our advantage. We were too focalised on the price and not how the conditions could be changed.

-In the end, one of the members was not in accordance with the closing that we came to agree on. It was probably due to a lack of good listening and clear communication, considering the needs and wants of each team.

This exercise was interesting in the way that it made us realise what we were truly lacking in our negotiation and how to change it. Mainly: 

-Negotiating and not bargaining
-Listening to the opposite team and what they want, and not just hearing.
-Opening the possibilities, changing the terms and conditions, not limiting ourselves to the price.
-Communicating our needs clearly in order to close the discussion in the most effective way. 
-Let the opposite team speak more to reveal more information.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Pain Discovery Questions

Hi All
Following on from the previous blog on the preparation, planning and do's and don'ts of customer pain discovery, here is my guide on how to ask questions and why. Good luck

Friday, 23 January 2015

Interview Guides

Hi Teams
Thank you for sharing all your hard work in preparation for your sales negotiation.
I have now had the chance to look through all your interviews and have the following general comments:
  • Please - you are not selling anything in these first encounters.
  • Instead you are supposed to be discovering people and their pains
  • You are iterating your way to more focused targets & potential customers
  • You are discovering their values, pains, expectations, motivations, frustrations, attitudes, objections, anxieties , interests, etc with the context of their health and well being.
  • You are in the PLANNING phase and are nowhere near ready to implement a sales negotiation
  • You need to strip out the formality, inconsequential and impersonal style of questions and also reflect on the order and the intention in your questions
  • Many questions are leading questions(strip these out or rephrase them)- they will reduce your discovery opportunities and frustrate your chances of sales negotiation success
  • May questions are bargaining-mode questions NOT negotiation questions. 
  • Use this guide to iterate your interview before you approach anyone else. Update your current interview documents and prepare to engage with your expected and likely buyers.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Team Linna - 30 Profiles Fabulyzer

Interview Questions and Top 5

Team GeoSam: Top 5 and Bottom 5 profiles

Fabulyzer Personas

Fabulyzer Potential Customers

   Fabulyzer Potential Customers by Michael Halpin, Gregoire Asselin, Alex Bex, Min Asekas, Joan Gisbert.

30 profiles

workshop 2 team pierjon


Interview Questions- DeOnses Team

Hey everyone,

Here are our interview questions for the Fabulyzer User research. We thought that short, open questions would be something easier for people to answer and to talk about in general.


  1. Name?
  2. Age?
  3. Gender?
  4. Profession?
  5. Sports practised?
  6. How often?
  7. What sports?
  8. What are your physical goals?
  9. Do you follow any diet/regime? What? Why?
  10. What gadgets or aids you use for sports? Why or why not?

  11. What do you think of the fabulyzer? What interests you the most about this device?
  12. Would you use it? Why or why not?
  13. How do you think it would help you?

Interview Protocol for the Customer/Buyer Needs Analysis

Questionaire Fabulyzer by Alex Bex, Gregoire Asselin, Joan Gisbert, Minhao Chen, Michel Halpin

Fabulyzer Survey - Team NAVA

Monday, 19 January 2015

"The New ABC's of Persuasion- How do we Remain Afloat on An Ocean of Rejection"- Daniel Pink

Questioning your ability is more effective than pumping yourself up:

FabUlyzer team VarPin

Survey Questions

Here is a link to preview our survey:

These survey's were sent out to personal e-mails, so personal information was collected from the possible consumers beforehand.

If anyone has any suggestions to what our survey needs to improve on feel free to respond.

Fabulyzer Survey - Possible customers

Hello everyone,
We tried to propose a different survey , with many different questions , going from the really abstract (about the customer) to really concret about our product and how we could implement it in our possible customers life.

Fabulyzer Survey

We are waiting for your answers guys , to know bit more about Fabulyzer effect in the society/market

Nicolas Holmann , Alberto Llano , Vincent Bes , Axel Ebrard
Hi everyone,

I've been looking for a quick and efficient way to do the survey and I've found the website called "Survey Monkey". It's easy to create the survey and really convenient for the people that answer it. 

It works really well on Facebook.

Here's the link of the website

Hopefully it will be useful for some of you guys !

L. Martinez

Draft questions team LucAlex

Draft questions team LucAlex

Draft Questions


Below are the questions we drafted in order to gain information about potential customers and their profiles. We made a set list of questions to ensure similar information was being acquired from each person, however we merely used them as a guideline depending on the person and the answers they were giving. We decided to bring fabulyzer into the questions later on once the motivations and needs were determined so we were able to bring it in in different ways depending on their answers previously mentioned. From information we have gained so far it seems as if younger people, conscious about their image and willing to follow trends are most interested in the product as many older people we have spoke to are not too bothered about monitoring/practice sports for fun. However, for many people the price seems an issue. Feel free to have a look at our questions and give any feedback! hope this helps

Hi! I was just wondering if you could answer a few questions for me for a project I am doing here at University.
What is your name? What is your age?
What is your gender? What is your profession? What is your typical weekly exercise regime?
How do you currently monitor your exercise? (Apps, fitbit wristband etc) Why do you use this? If you don’t, why not?
What are your motivations to exercise?
Is there anything that gets in the way of your exercise routine or stops you practicing more regularly? (e.g lack of time, no access to resources etc)

The main focus of our project is based around a new product on the fitness market called Fabulyzer. Fabulyzer is a handheld device that can be used anywhere when you exercise and quantifies fat burn using breath. Breathe a little into Fabulyzer and it will give you a precise indication of fat-burn either during or after physical activity by measuring naturally occurring compounds in your breath. After multiple use Fabulyzer is also able to create an optimized exercise menu tailored to your fat burn and what exercise best suits you. It is currently still in progress and is set to be launched at the end of 2015 at an estimated price of approximately £150.

Does this sound like something that would be beneficial to you, why/why not?

Questionnaire. Team GeoSam

      Hi everyone! Our team has prepared a draft questionnaire for the interview. Please take a look at it and feel free to give us feedback.

              1)      Your name  __________________

2)      Your email address _______________________

3)      Your gender
·         Male
·         Female

4)      Your age ___________________

5)      Your marital status
·         Single
·         Married
·         Living common law
·         Divorced
·         Widowed

6)      Your education level
·         High school
·         College
·         Undergraduate school
·         Graduate school
·         Other ___________________

7)      Your profession ______________________

8)      Your working place _______________________

9)      Do you practice any sports? If yes, how often do you do that?

·         No
·         Very seldom
·         Once a month
·         Twice a month
·         Once a week
·         Several times a week
·         Everyday

10)   Where do you practice sports?
·         At home
·         In a gym
·         In my garden 
·         Other place ____________

11)   What kind of sport do you practice? ___________________________________

12)   What is your main goal for practicing sports?
·         Lose weight
·         Gain muscles
·         Have fun
·         Have a healthy lifestyle
·         Other ____________________

13)    What stands in the way of practicing more often? ________________________

14)   Do you use any technological tools during your practices? If yes, what exactly do you use? ___________________

15)   Would you be interested in a new technological tool that counts your fat consumption using your breath?
·         Yes, I would love to try it
·         No, I do not trust untested products

16)   What kinds of features do you think would attract you to use this device _________________________________________

17)   What do you think would make you give up this device?_____________________________________________

18)   Do you think you would be interested in having an app that connects your device to your smartphone?
·         Yes, it would be very convenient
·         No, I would prefer using only the device
·         I do not have a smartphone

19)   Any comment/suggestion/idea

Google Doc:

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Customer Life Behaviours As Source of Questions

Hi All
One way to find interesting questions is to understand how your targets spend their time. This is behavioural analysis and it allows you to develop questions about target lifestyles that reflect your genuine interest in them. Questions that may reveal their pains and problems (needs) and also ways that your product can cause the least interruption to a user's habits.
The infographic below is a  perfect example of how people send their time. What sets of customer needs-analysis questions can you come up with if you have the knowledge of such routines?

Want to develop a better work routine? Discover how some of the world's greatest minds organized their days.
Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).

5 potential customers profiles

By Adrien, Mariana, Laure-Anne, Kate, Pablo and Aïda

Fabulyzer - Five customers possibilities

Five Possible Customers by Axel Ebrard Hély


Fabulyzer Customer Profiles

team Pierjon, 5 profiles

Team Pierjon, 5 Profiles

A Prospect Paper Form for Interviews

From Victor Launay, Jolliane Leblanc, Geneviève Dion, Steve Giguere, Pierre Muglia.

Dear mates, 

With my team, we created a paper sheet with the main fields we wanted to cover during the prospects interviews. We thought it would be a good idea to all have the same informations in order to compare our results more efficiently. This is how it's like:

Prospect Notes                                                                                                       Date :

Examiner :

First name

Phone number

-       Sports practised / Place / Frequency / Purpose / Goals

-       Actual Silhouette

-       User of devices for sports ?

-       Food usually consumed / Diet

-       Knowledge of the global misunderstanding about calories ?

-       Opinion on the Fabulyzer

-       Would buy it ? Why ?

-       Accept to try ?

Notes (Strategy applied / Receptivity / Interogations / Arguments against the Fabulyzer)

Hoping it can help any of you.

If you have any ideas to improve it, please share them !

Editable Google Doc:

Good luck !