Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

5 Potential Customer Profiles

Hi guys! So here are our profiles for 5 potential customers for Fabulyzer. We are missing the analysis of their needs/pains that would drive them to purchase the product. We are already working on it!

Our team members are: Min Chen, Joan Gisbert, Gabriella Hertzman-Ericson, Iris Sorgard, Carlota Porta


Your First Contact: Get Your Questions Right & Leave Your Ego & Product to the End....

Mini-Game Training

After watching some of you role play in class, Charlotte's great reflection on her first encounter and my explicit advice not to speak about you or the product in the first contact because your team's and your responsibility is to understand & empathise with buyers' needs, motivations, problems, life priorities and objections. 
So the little game mentioned in this video is all about 

  1. preparing  a set of questions and seeing how many you ask before you go on to speak or ask about Fabulyzer, and 
  2. seeing how long, when speaking to potential customers, it takes you before you start talking about Fabulyzer
The point being the longer you take to get around to talking about yourself, Fabulyzer or asking questions about Fabulyzer to your customer, the better the chances are that you will get to understand their needs well!!!
Best of luck, I'll be testing your development in the next class