Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

"What Should I have really asked you?"- Customer Discover is not Sales

Hi All

It's Time for many of you to Get Out of the Building and to start having real interview-conversations with real people- don't leave it until the last minute. I shall be wanting evidence in your presentations of what you discovered, values that customers have and solutions that they see: Customer Discovery is not Sales- it is preparation and planning for sales. Do not sell- YET! First discover and empathise. See if you can listen not hear, and ask not speak!

Good luck and I look forward to seeing the results posted here before our next class together.


  1. That video is interesting, because I think that most of the students (including me) were exactly the same as his students at the beginning of the semester : speaking too much, not listening enough. I think this is the best improvement and one of the most important thing I have learned in the Negotiation skills course. He also gave good advices.

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  3. I also think listening is a very important skill during the negotiation. If you want to have more information from a person, you need to listen to him or her during the information. Also, listening is important when you negotiate with somebody for purchase or sell something, for example, fitting a price. We did an experience in another class. There is someone who want to sell the car for minima 500 euros, and the buyer in the other side is plan to buy a car for maximun 5000 euros.. So the one who said the ideal price firstly, loss the advantage .


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