Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Sunday, 18 January 2015

A Prospect Paper Form for Interviews

From Victor Launay, Jolliane Leblanc, Geneviève Dion, Steve Giguere, Pierre Muglia.

Dear mates, 

With my team, we created a paper sheet with the main fields we wanted to cover during the prospects interviews. We thought it would be a good idea to all have the same informations in order to compare our results more efficiently. This is how it's like:

Prospect Notes                                                                                                       Date :

Examiner :

First name

Phone number

-       Sports practised / Place / Frequency / Purpose / Goals

-       Actual Silhouette

-       User of devices for sports ?

-       Food usually consumed / Diet

-       Knowledge of the global misunderstanding about calories ?

-       Opinion on the Fabulyzer

-       Would buy it ? Why ?

-       Accept to try ?

Notes (Strategy applied / Receptivity / Interogations / Arguments against the Fabulyzer)

Hoping it can help any of you.

If you have any ideas to improve it, please share them !

Editable Google Doc:

Good luck !


  1. An excellent idea and initiative Team PierJon. If I have a suggestion it would be why not provide this document as an editable Google Document or Google Form which will allow other teams to edit and make suggestions. That way it saves too many emails and comments and allows people to directly edit. Also, one more point: why have you not sued Scribd to embed this? Please all teams embed your documents on the blog, otherwise it becomes an endless list of quite frankly, boring text. The English ladies' team called Jeep, have done so and it has a much better engagement possibility and blog user-friendliness: see theirs here:

  2. Hi Ed,

    I created a Google doc, and a Scribd doc. The links are on the article now, and accessible by everyone to edit.

    I didn't know about Scribd and the "embed" concept. Could you please briefly explain us what it consists in on tuesday ?

    Thank you by advance !
    Have a good evening


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