Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Saturday, 14 March 2015

"Your body language shapes who you are"

Hey everyone,

as I told you in one of my self-evaluations, I learnt that my body language is very important for the whole atmosphere in a negotiation. Moreover, I have the feeling, that my body language transfers to my whole attitude forward the negotiation. Therefrom, I want to work on a positive body language.

I think this video is very interesting for you if you have the same objectives:


  1. LOL ! Nice use of the Media Manipulation Course ! ;)

  2. LOL ! Nice use of the Media Manipulation Course ! ;)

  3. I really like this video. It is so true for judgements and how quick you can be to see what happens in the future. For example in job interviews the interviewer can tell almost instantly if they want to hire the interviewee based on how they enter the room, eye contact and how they sit and use their hands whilst talking!

  4. Yes Georgina, it is really interesting! A person decides in the first seconds if he/she likes a person or not. I think that´s crazy.

    1. The thing is that it can show during one of your negotiations or even just when you meet your possible customer. We don't choose to who we sell , we need everybody to buy the product. the question is : how to dissimulate it?


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