Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The performance


I already interviewed my father to discover his needs, and he was aware of the product. During this interview, the objective was to make him sign the contract that will allow Fabulyzer to send him an email once the product is launched, if it gets launched.

I had to read again my notes so that I had in mind his needs and pains. I also had to have the agreement printed and bring it with me. I prepared also by completing the plan, to have a clear idea of how the interview would be.


About the preparation: I wanted the performance to seem natural, however I could have prepare more by noting down the questions that I had in mind. Of course I probably wouldn’t follow them step by step, but it could make the conversation more fluent.

About the negotiation plan: It was hard to define it in this case. It was easier for me to complete it when we had the case in class, because it was about two companies with specific goals (buy-sell and conditions clear).

About the performance: It seemed odd to act formal with my father. This might explained why I laughed when he said that he had no shape to maintain, at all. I wouldn’t have done it with a stranger. I tried to listen as much as possible, to make sure we both understood the same about the needs and pain we talked last time, and figure out if there was a new information that he would add. Regarding the body language, I could have been more dynamic. Finally, I think I did well, during the moment of the signature, to explain why a contract is required for an email and emphasis on the fact that it will not imply a compromise of buying. However, I could have asked if he new someone else that would be interested in Fabulyzer.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant share Aida and exactly what we need when it comes to reflective action. A couple of points to keep in mind:
    1) Propose how you might do things differently next time- what would you add, subtract or modify and the rationale for those?
    2) To not have a plan before a sales negotiation is tantamount to negligence and poor performance. Especially , when you consider that 80% of sales negotiation time is spent on planning for the encounter. Avoiding this is not an option for successful sales negotiations. Re-consider the need for a plan particularly when the goals of your target are not clear!
    3) You offer little reflection on either yours or your target's negotiating style using the frameworks provided!


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