Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Thursday, 12 March 2015


Hi everyone,

I'm going to try to explain to you all my experience, struggles and what I learnt out of all that.
At first, when we started the course, I thought that doing survey in "the real world" would be as easy as doing role play in class. I quickly found out that the previous experience I had would be almost useless.

First of all, people in the streets (or on-line) don't want to spend time with a stranger and answer him questions about a topic they might not care about. The questions have to be quick, understandable and precise. Nobody wants to answer vague questions and if they do their answer would be as useless as the questions.

The first step for me was to behave as if I was the customer and think about what kind of question I would like to answer or, which is more important, would create interest in me.

The second step was to work on my introduction. I found out that a punchline and a great smile were the best "weapons" to start an interview a be able to ask my questions.

The first interview were long and stressful but once I started to be more confident about the content of what I was asking, I quickly felt better and since then I had better answer and better results.

Besides that another difficulty was to work with a product and a sector that I  didn't perfectly knew and mastered since the begging.

These are the main line of my experience during this course.

Lucas Martinez

1 comment:

  1. I understand how hard it was for you to find a way to approach and create interest with strangers. would you share with us your punchline?
    People you asked about fabulyzer , did they asked you questions you w'rent able to answer? about the product specifications or more health oriented questions?


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