Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Monday, 2 February 2015

Customer Discovery Interview- Team Pierjon


  1. It's nice but do you think you can evaluate the pain of the customer with these questions?
    Thanks for sharing anyway !

  2. hi adrien,
    Thank you for your concern, I think that our questions could lead to other questions that can evaluate the pain like :
     Do you feel that you are at your peak performance?
     If you could change something about you appearance, what would it be?
     Do you consider yourself as a healthy eater?
    The answer of these questions will give us a good idea about their pains.


  3. Some great questions. Now start testing and practicing with them on friends and family before you go to your targets. Get used to bring them into a conversation that flows rather than sticking to the order rigidly. Sometime in a conversation the respondent will trigger your thoughts and you will have a question ready. So rather than you drive the dialogue with a series of pre-ordered questions. You ask a few cool ones, and then let them flow, you listen and occasionally intellect with other questions which their responses trigger. The key is to let their speaking and your listening keep the dialogue alive, generative, fascinating, open and relevant.


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