Toulouse Business School, Barcelona

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Sunday, 1 February 2015

7 Keys to Leading Highly Effective Sales Conversations

Hi everyone,

I found this article today, and I think it perfectly covers our matter on how to approach people we don't know in order to get informations / sell something.

It might interest you !!

7 Keys to Leading Highly Effective Sales Conversation

See you guys on Wednesday !

1 comment:

  1. Great share Pierre...the real diamond in this is point number
    2 "Uncover aspirations and afflictions. If you've ever read any piece of sales advice, you know you need to ask questions to uncover the prospect's pain. That's a given. But what most advice doesn't include is how to harness the power of aspirations. Your job is not only to uncover the prospect's needs and pains, but it's to also uncover their aspirations and goals. Get your prospect to open up and share their hopes, dreams, and desires and then show how you can help them achieve their goals."


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